Psycho Spiritual and Entheogen Integration Coaching

What exactly is Integration?

Life is a continuous series of resistance and surrender. While in resistance, our mind fragments, and we become further disconnected. Integration, is bringing the fragments together. Becoming whole.

Accepting where you are and what you are, completely. Finding purpose and developing strategies on the transformation to who you are destined to become.

Set and Setting LLC is designed for those that are integrating after an Ayahuasca or another medicine experience.

What we offer

Psycho Spiritual Coaching Session

Lacking purpose? Life is challenging. When faced with adversities, we often lose sight of meaning. No one is free from suffering, and many have unresolved trauma from their past. We are disconnected from spirituality, from nature, and from our true self. This session is designed to assist you in getting reconnected and discovering your purpose.

Sessions are typically 1 hour long on the online Zoom platform.

$200 per session

Entheogen Integration Coaching Session

Ayahuasca and other medicine experiences can be exponential to one’s healing. Some people have described their mystical experience as having a decade worth of psycho therapy in a weekend. These medicines are excellent at providing insight, but your transformation is dependent on the action steps you take after your experience. This session is designed to help you extract meaning from your experience, and the development of strategies to making positive change.

Sessions are typically 1 hour long on the online Zoom platform.

$200 per session

Preparation for an Ayahuasca or another Medicine Experience Session

Planning on attending an Ayahuasca or another medicine retreat? Well its very important to have a proper set and setting. Set, meaning prepared mentally and physically. Setting, meaning the environment that you are doing it at is safe. This session is designed to help prepare you for the medicine experience. Answer questions you may have, and assistance in developing a proper intention.

Sessions are typically 1 hour long on the online Zoom platform.

$150 per session

We also provide a free Integration group call each week.

Wednesday’s at 7pm EST

If you are integrating after an Ayahuasca, or other medicine retreat, this is a great place to share your experience and where you are in your integration process.

Whether you are striving, or struggling; our group is an excellent source of support for you.

You can share, or just hold space for others and see what resonates with you. Come see what we’re all about. Hope to see you there.

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